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The Eiger


Multiple variables inform the way we decide to use educational technologies in our classrooms. Cohesive efforts help shape the peaks of understanding and best fit.

ETEC 510 was my fifth course. Getting back into the full-swing of my study groove again, I do remember this course as one of my favorites. I really enjoyed learning about the evil side of technology (i.e. the explicit and subliminal misogyny and sexism in gaming), constructionism (by way of Seymour Papert), explaining theory through stop-motion animation, and networking with great cohorts through collaborative inquiry.


I remember it being the first time where a MET course was deviating (a little) from Blackboard, yet wouldn't be the last. I appreciated using the Wiki as a medium to share projects, like those in the first artifact.


This was the course that carved and shaped my pedagogical views towards the concept of constructionism, which I'll explain further in the third artifact.


Even the introduction task was different and challenging in its own right; we had to create a digital story about ourselves rather than the cut and paste "about me" paragraph that online learners probably know all to well. Please enjoy viewing it before navigating on to my artifacts... 

(Ouellette, J., 2015e)

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