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Stop-motion Animation Project


Admittedly, Gardner's Multiple Intelligence (MI) theory was nothing new to me at the time of this project. The theory, often misinterpreted as static, is often criticized. Even Gardner himself has commented on the pros and cons of this theory in regards to its fit with modern pedagogy (1995).


So why choose this as a focus for my stop-motion animation project then?


First, my class was just beginning an inquiry into "How we express ourselves" - particularly through the concept of perspective. Naturally, Gardner's MI theory had an age appropriate fit. This artifact that I created not only helped re-consolidate my own knowledge of the theory, it afforded the opportunity to create a fun learning artifact that could then be shared with the children.


Here is what I created...  

(Ouellette, J., 2015f)

Secondly, through all of the creating embedded into this time consuming project, I began to experiment with the concept of App Smashing (albeit unbeknownst to me at the time). This project illuminates the power of creativity when you maximize the potential of one application, then continue creating in another to ultimately achieve your creative vision. I now use this concept of limitless creativity as a focus for an extra curricular activity at my school. Specifically, my goal is to up-skill children's digital technology prowess under the context of App Smashing.


In the example below, I use the exemplar on the right as an introduction to App Smashing for grades four to five children with a focus on "Selfish to Selfless".  Using the apps below on the left, I get them to create a similar looking artifact to the exemplar. We start with a narcissistic selfie, yet take the selfishness out of the picture by creating an artifact for an audience that we care deeply about - our parent(s), friend(s) or other loved one(s). I have the students think about character traits that their chosen audience member taught them, then have them finish off their App Smashing process with a reflective blog post in their portfolio as an exit ticket/final "smash". This post also serves as a medium in which they can share their artifact with the person that they created it for.


In sum, App Smashing is a great tool to teach learners of any age - one that harnesses the power of creating, which I'll illuminate further in artifact three of ETEC 510.

Start small; dream big!

Exemplar used for modelling.

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