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The Rockies


Big frameworks that shape the continent of pedagogy. Not easily traversed, upon first glance.

This was my first UBC-MET course, taken along side with ETEC 512. I remember struggling with finding my feet with it at first because it is quite philosophical and focuses heavily on epistemology.


Looking back, I think I would have got more out of this course either halfway or towards the end of my MET experience. I think by having a strong base of who I was as an educational technologist first, would have allowed me to approach some of the more difficult modules in this course more smoothly, especially the ones on spirituality and psychology. My more philosophical groundings in the way I approach educational technologies started to evolve once I had more courses and consolidation under my belt.


One thing I appreciated about this course was that it helped me open my perspective of educational technologies. Before this course, I would have a definition grounded more on the digital side. Matter-of-factly, it has helped shape my thinking to always be aware of the best tool for the job when planning lessons. A pencil and paper are still a very effective tools for making thinking visible.


There was much to take away from this course, specifically, a concept which seems counter-intuitive to graduate studies and major shifts as to how I approached some of my instruction. 

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