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Moraine Lake


A moraine offers a clear picture of how a variety of forces can impact a landscape. This course looks at how the arts and humanities are being changed and impacted by technology. In addition, ETEC 532 looks at how to best navigate them beautifully by connecting curriculum, pedagogy and technology.

This was my eighth course in the program. Admittedly, the arts are not my strongest subject area; yet, I was open-minded to my growth in this area out of my comfort zone. 


By this time in my MET timeline, course offerings that interested me where becoming fewer. If I had one major criticism of the MET program overall, it'd be that it needs to do a better job in offering more elective courses, in general, especially ones catering specifically to elementary teachers.


Nonetheless, and as with all my MET courses, I'm glad I took this course. It consolidated five key areas that are of interest to me. These are visually represented, for better or worse, in my gelatin based metaphor below:

(Ouellette, J., 2016b)

Specifically, this course introduced me to excellent theoretical links to game-based learning. Mindshift's Guide to Digital Games and Learning is an amazing resource for anyone needing even the slightest bit of persuasion or motivation towards incorporating this concept into their pedagogy. Please read this weekly post, where I explain, in detail, some of the ways I incorporate game-based learning into my practice.


Furthermore, this course introduced me to a controversially inspiring artist and gave me the time to investigate leading digital portfolio media through a collaborative inquiry. Both of these are explained further in my artifacts below.

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