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JR: An Artist's Influence


I remember watching the first 30 seconds of this video and not knowing what to think of JR - indoor sunglasses, profanity and the world painted as all doom and gloom. However, this is the lead to his hook --  "Can art change the world?"


If you have not seen this TED Talk, I implore you to do so. JR is a mastermind at shaping perspective and promoting positive change in the world. I will not spoil the delights it has to offer...

(TED2011, 2011, March)

The introduction to JR in ETEC 532 has helped influence the way I use a transdisciplinary approach to teaching. Single subjects shouldn't just be left for other teachers outside of my classroom; they should be incorporated into the "expedition" of inquiry. This year, when changing the focus our our grade three central idea for our inquiry into, "How we express ourselves", my fellow grade-level cohorts and I changed the central idea to, "Different media allow us to express ourselves and share ideas." We explored the lines of inquiry through three conceptual lenses, one of those being perspective. Naturally, introducing the students to age appropriate examples of JR and Bansky's work had a strong connection to deepen this inquiry by looking at how media can shape the perspective of the individual and how the individual can use media to shape the perspective of the collective. 


Units of inquiry such as this, allow for beautiful, single-subject teacher integration. I'm thankful that the elementary administrators at my school take the time to allow for this twice a year. The unit described above allowed for art and Chinese language teachers to work within the homeroom classrooms. Not only are schedules aligned for co-teaching, but also for planning before, during and after the inquiry. This makes for an enriching experience for both teachers and children alike.

We ended this inquiry with a student-led media gallery open to the school community.

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